During the summer of 2022, we said goodbye to our beloved Shiba Inu, Abby of 15 years. She was an intricate part of my husband’s and my life having been in our wedding and greeting both of our children as they came home from the hospital. Abby left a huge void nobody can imagine. In September, we began to humor the idea of welcoming another puppy into our lives. I’ve always had a great love for labs but with my son’s asthma, we went down the route of a Labradoodle. I spent endless hours researching and talking to different breeders. I decided on Atlantic Labradoodles because of the love Shirley and Jim have for their puppies. My fondest memory of this process was my first phone conversation with Jim. We exchanged conversations of our first dog and the love of them that we carry with us for the rest of our lives after their passing. He was very informative and patient with all the questions I had. As we made the decision to purchase one of their puppies, Shirley and Jim kept us updated with any changes and provided us with helpful information along the way. The excitement of the kids on the drive down to Cape Cod and the warm welcoming from Shirley and Jim on the day we went to pick up Lucy will forever be one of my greatest memories as a family. The immense love and endless efforts Shirley and Jim spent on Lucy immediately radiated from her. Shirley was very thorough with the care by detailing step by step instructions and reassured me that I could always call her with questions. Lucy settled into our home with ease, and I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that she was already being raised in a loving home setting prior to coming home with us. As my 8 year old says; “Lucy didn’t replace Abby, she’s just a great new addition to our whole family!” I thank you Shirley and Jim for bringing so much joy back into our lives with Lucy!
Bonny L.
Proud Owner of an Atlantic Labradoodles Labradoodle.
To whom this concerns, My name is Mark Consugar and I am a very proud owner of an Atlantic Labradoodles Labradoodle. My experience working with Shirley and Jim has been nothing short of exemplary. I had considered getting a dog for my family for a few years, but finally committed once I purchased my home in Arlington, MA in 2020. My daughter was adamant that we get a Labradoodle in order to help with her mother's allergies, so I sought out reputable breeders in Massachusetts starting last October. During my Google search, Atlantic Labradoodles came up early and often for "Best Labradoodle Breeders in Massachusetts". I reached out to Shirley - as well as 5 other breeders - but only Atlantic Labradoodles cared to respond. Jim was very warm and engaging during our initial conversations, asking me about my previous dog ownership experiences, my reasons for wanting a new dog, my current living circumstances - everything a conscientious breeder would ask of a potential owner. Jim then shared Shirley's contact information, in order for us to have an opportunity to discuss pending litters and my suitability as an owner of one of her puppies.
I feel like we hit it off from the start, and our continued conversations over the course of the following 5 months as we awaited the birth of the litter and choice of the puppy further galvanized my decision to get a puppy from Shirley. Overall choosing the puppy, arranging to pick up the dog, transfer, payment, etc. was as smooth as could be. The puppy arrived in perfect health, and I was provided with more than sufficient food, supplements, toys, and training advice to get our puppy, "Ruby," integrated into our family. It has been 6 weeks since Ruby came home, and she is absolutely thriving. She has taken to crate training in less than 3 weeks, sleeps fully through the evening, was trained to ring a bell to go outside within 4 weeks, walks on a lead without incident, and is extremely social with other dogs and children. I cannot say enough about Atlantic Labradoodles and would highly recommend them to ANYONE looking for a new puppy. I can say without reservation that I will be considering adding another dog to our family in about 2 years, and will be reaching out to Shirley and Jim first, when that time comes... Sincerely - Mark Consugar
Mark Consugar
Proud Owner of an Atlantic Labradoodles Labradoodle.
In our search for a new labradoodle puppy, I came across an article naming Atlantic Labradoodles as a top breeder. I went to the site and fell in love with a 16 week old puppy named Rudy, born on April 13th. I filled out the form online and I immediately received a response from Shirley with a new picture of Rudy. My husband, granddaughter and I drove to Cape Cod to pick up our new baby from Connecticut. Rudy was perfect, he is so sweet! We took him to the vet the next day and were informed that he was perfect. The following day we received notification from our vet that the test for parasites was negative! I was prepared for ghardia, in the past when we had purchased puppies at pet stores, this was always the norm. Rudy is the first puppy we have had that actually sleeps through the night since day one. He is so good natured, so loving. I realized the day we met Shirley and Jim, our new puppy came from a home of so much love. As we chatted, Rudy would glance over at Shirley, we put him down and he stood by Jim. This pup was truly loved from day one! I have contacted Shirley since I have brought Rudy home, now Finley, with little questions and Shirley always responds, no questions too big or small. We are simply in love with our new puppy from Atlantic Labradoodles. We will be forever grateful to Shirley and Jim!
Mary Caspole
Proud Owner of an Atlantic Labradoodles Labradoodle.